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Tor, 5 years, 6 months
50 book challenge
Camilla, 9 months, 4 weeks
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50 book challenge

Jeg vet ikke om dette gjelder som et såkalt MEME. Det er noe jeg har kommet over, men aldri deltatt i offentlig, på det der nettstedet jeg tilbringer alt for mye tid på. Konseptet går ut på at man melder seg på 50 book challenge, for så å holde alle andre oppdatert på hvilke bøker man leser. Målet er, som man kanskje kan slutte seg til ut ifra navnet, å lese 50 bøker på et år.

Jeg nølte veldig med å melde meg på det av to grunner: Jeg var slett ikke sikker på at jeg leste 50 bøker i året lenger; og jeg hadde en snikende anelse om at jeg som litteraturstudent har en noe urettferdig fordel. Det er ikke snakk om en konkurranse. Ikke engentlig. Men det er ikke fritt for at det kanskje føles som en, likevel.

Jeg begynte imidlertid å holde oversikt over bøkene jeg leste i fjor. For å jevne litt ut, tok jeg bare med fiksjon (ikke faglitteratur) (noe jeg har tenkt å endre på i år), og det viste seg i grunnen at 50 ikke er noe problem (i alle fall ikke hvis man tar livet av datamaskinen med en kopp kaffe ca halvveis i året). Da jeg nevnte dette for Tor ble han umiddelbart bitter fordi han ikke hadde holdt oversikt over hvilke bøker han hadde lest, og bestemte seg umiddelbart for å ta igjen for det tapte i år (så langt ligger han en bok foran meg, siden han har lest en).

For å spre gleden nevner jeg det nå altså her. Det er to fordeler: Det fungerer som et insentiv til å lese mer (selv om det egentlig bare er tull, for det er jo å lese bøker som skal være insentivet til å lese bøker, men likevel); og man kan gå tilbake og se på hva man har lest.

Jeg holder i tillegg oversikt over hvilke jeg leser om igjen og hvilke jeg leser for første gang, men det er ikke en del av det opprinnelige konseptet.

Her har dere det altså. Så kan den som vil gjøre det. Og offentliggjøring av lister er selvsagt helt frivillig, men er vel det eneste MEME-aktige ved øvelsen, om man går inn for denslags.

Tor, Ole Petter likes this


Tor,  07.01.09 21:46

Jeg har bestemt meg for å prøve meg på dette i år. I mange år nå har jeg ikke lest på langt nær så mange bøker som en slik person jeg tenker på meg selv som burde lese. Jeg erklærer derfor at jeg akter å lese 50 bøker i år, og jeg vil føre en oppdatert liste i profilen min på calcuttagutta, slik at alle kan spotte og spe (med melk?) meg om jeg ikke skulle greie det.

Camilla,  07.01.09 23:28

Javeldamasekopp. Jeg får vel slenge meg på jeg også, da. Så snart jeg har lest ferdig en bok.

Camilla T.,  08.01.09 00:09

Men hva om man er flau over bøkene man har lest? Burde man ta med de da på listen? *Gjemmer Twilight bak ryggen*
Det er jo lett at man bare vil ta med bøker av en viss literær verdi på en slik liste, blir det korrekt da? Æsj, jeg lurer ingen, leser ikke noe av literær verdi lenger...

Camilla,  08.01.09 01:04

Nei, poenget er jo at man skal ta med alt. Burde jeg legge opp listen min fra i fjor som eksempel?

Camilla T.,  08.01.09 14:13

Ja, gjør det...
Regnes store tegneseriebøker med? Og hva med bøker man leser på nytt? Eller gjelder bare bøker man leser for første gang? Jeg leser jo gjerne bøker en 10-12 ganger dersom jeg liker dem...

Camilla,  08.01.09 15:07

Jeg regner Watchmen for eksempel. Og bøker jeg leser om igjen.

Ok. I fjor leste jeg:

Jane Eyre av Charlotte Brontë x 2
Focault's Pendulum av Umberto Eco
The Screwtape Letters av C.S. Lewis
We need to talk about Kevin av Lionel Shriver
Elantris av Brandon Sanderson
Northanger Abbey; Lady Susan; The Watsons; Sanditon av Jane Austen
The Mystery of Edwin Drood av Charles Dickens x 2
Lords and Ladies av Terry Pratchett
Watchmen av Alan Moore og Dave Gibbons (ill) x2
Bleak House av Charles Dickens
The Eyre Affair av Jasper Fforde
The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters av G. W. Dahlquist
Night Watch av Terry Pratchett
Pyramids av Terry Pratchett
Lost in a Good Book av Jasper Fforde
David Copperfield av Charles Dickens
A Perfect Vacuum av Stanislaw Lem
His Master's Voice av Stanislaw Lem
The End of Mr Y av Scarlett Thomas
The Night Watch av Sergei Lukyanenko
King Rat av China Mieville
Arthur & George av Julian Barnes
Neverwhere av Neil Gaiman
The Day Watch av Sergei Lukyanenko
The Twilight Watch av Sergei Lukyanenko
The Moonstone av William Wilkie Collins
The Weir of Hermiston av Robert Louis Stevenson
Hard Times av Charles Dickens
The Scarlet Pimpernel av Baroness Orczy
Tale of Two Cities av Charles Dickens
The Woman in White av William Wilkie Collins
Affinity Bridge av George Mann
Nation av Terry Pratchett
An Infamous Army av Georgette Heyer
V for Vendetta av Alan Moore og David Lloyd (ill)
After Dark av Haruki Murakami
A Study in Scarlet av Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Sign of the Four av Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes av Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes av Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Hound of the Baskervilles av Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Return of Sherlock Holmes av Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Valley of Fear av Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
His Last Bow - some reminiscences of Sherlock Holmes av Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes av Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Denis Duval av William Makepeace Thackeray
St. Ives av Robert Louis Stevenson
The Graveyard Book av Neil Gaiman
The Inimitable Jeeves av P. G. Wodehouse
Very Good, Jeeves av P. G. Wodehouse
The Well of Lost Plots av Jasper Fforde
The Book of Lost Things av John Connolly.

Anders K.,  08.01.09 19:40

Som du helt korrekt sier: det er jo å lese bøker som skal være insentivet til å lese bøker.

Nettopp derfor må jeg si at jeg ikke har noe som helst tillit til dette systemet. For det første baserer det seg kun på antall, og formidler dermed underforstått at den som leser mye er flink og bra. Kvantitet, kvalitet, etc. Og når titler også er alt, ligger det tjukt mellom linjene at den som leser enkelte bøker er flinkere og bedre enn den som leser andre bøker. Begge deler er ... hva skal jeg si? Teit.

Jeg lanserer derfor mitt egen kontra-system, som jeg selv innførte i fjor, og det er ikke basert på publisering og offentlig cred, men egen interesse. Det går ut på at man kort noterer hva man synes om de bøkene man har lest. Det begynte med at jeg fant igjen en gammel bibliotekskvittering, og måtte trist fastslå at jeg ikke kunne huske hva jeg syntes om flere av bøkene. Det betyr jo at flere av dem har gjort et svakt inntrykk, men man gjør seg jo likevel opp en mening som er ens egen. Og få bøker er så dårlige at man vil glemme dem, da er man ikke interessert i litteratur likevel. Så i fjor noterte jeg konsise synspunkter på bøkene jeg leste. (Jeg har ikke talt dem eller kontrollert deres litteraturstudentmiljøkredibilitet.) Det synes jeg er lurt, og jeg tillater alle som ønsker det, å gjøre det samme.

Camilla,  08.01.09 20:59

Det var i grunnen derfor jeg ikke var med på den offentlige delen i fjor. Men jeg glemmer ikke hva jeg synes om bøker. Jeg glemmer ofte hvordan de ender, men dommer henger i evig lenge.

Camilla,  31.12.09 20:46


Do Butlers Burgle Banks? -- P. G. Wodehouse

American Gods -- Neil Gaiman

Little Dorrit -- Charles Dickens

Denis Duval -- William Makepeace Thackeray

The Scarlet Pimpernel -- Baroness Orczy

Weir of Hermiston -- Robert Louis Stevenson

Absolute Sandman vol 1 -- Neil Gaiman

The Unbearable Lightness of Being -- Milan Kundera

The Book With No Name -- Anonymous

Franz Kafka. A Biography -- Max Brod

The Politics of Friendship -- Jacques Derrida

The Work of Mourning -- Jacques Derrida

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes -- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man -- James Joyce

The Time Traveler's Wife -- Audrey Niffenegger

PopCo -- Scarlett Thomas

Time and the Other -- Emmanuel Levinas

The Last Watch -- Sergei Lukyanenko

Walter Benjamin: The Colour of Experience -- Howard Caygill

The Lost World -- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

What do you care what people think? -- Richard P. Feynman

1066 and All That -- Walter Carruthers Sellar & Robert Julian Yeatman

The Dark Volume -- G. W. Dahlquist

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Two Other Stories -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Phases of Dickens -- J. Cuming Walters

The Good Terrorist -- Doris Lessing

The Gone-Away World -- Nick Harkaway

Soul Music -- Terry Pratchett

The D. Case -- Charles Dickens, Carlo Fruttero & Franco Lucentini

Maurice Blanchot -- Ulrich Haase & William Large

Sherlock Holmes Was Wrong -- Pierre Bayard

The Space of Literature -- Maurice Blanchot

Moving Pictures -- Terry Pratchett

Coraline -- Neil Gaiman

Unspeakable Desolation Pouring Down from the Stars -- Frank Key

The Last Dickens -- Matthew Pearl

Glasslottet -- Amitav Ghosh

Ibid: A Life -- Mark Dunn

Edwin Drood: Antichrist in the Cathedral -- John Thacker

Arthur Conan Doyle -- Jacqueline A. Jaffe

Arthur Conan Doyle: A Memoir -- John Lamond

Memories and Adventures -- Arthur Conan Doyle

The Hound of the Baskervilles -- Arthur Conan Doyle

Conan Doyle -- Pierre Nordon

Something Rotten -- Jasper Fforde

The Pursuit of Crime. Art and Ideology in Detective Fiction -- Dennis Porter

Arthur Conan Doyle: A Life in Letters -- Daniel Stashower, Jon L. Lellenberg, Charles Foley & Arthur Conan Doyle

The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes -- Arthur Conan Doyle

S/Z -- Roland Barthes

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone -- J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets -- J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban -- J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire -- J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix -- J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince -- J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- J.K. Rowling

The Turn of the Screw -- Henry James

My Man Jeeves -- P.G. Wodehouse

The Scarlet Pimpernel -- Baroness Orczy

Talk to the Hand. The Utter Bloody Rudeness of Everyday Life (or six good reasons to stay home and bolt the door) -- Lynne Truss

Unseen Academicals -- Terry Pratchett

Aunts Aren't Gentlemen -- P.G. Wodehouse

The Last Cavalier -- Alexandre Dumas

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie -- Muriel Spark

The Private Memoirs and Confessions of A Justified Sinner -- James Hogg

Robinson Crusoe -- Daniel Defoe

Endgame -- Samuel Beckett

The Importance of Being Earnest -- Oscar Wilde

The Decay of Lying -- Oscar Wilde

Mr Bliss -- J.R.R. Tolkien

The Gone-Away World -- Nick Harkaway

The Count of Monte-Cristo -- Alexandre Dumas

Mary,  31.12.09 20:50

1. Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell - Susan Clarke
2. The Well of Lost Plots - Jasper Fforde
3. Deadline - Chris Crutcher
4. Extras - Scott Westerfield
5. A Streetcar Named Desire - Tennessee Williams
6. A Thread of Grace - Mary Doria Russel
7. Death of a Salesman - Arthur Miller
8. Waiting for Godot - Samuel Beckett
9. Something Rotten - Jasper Fforde
10. Equal Rites - Terry Pratchett
11. The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini
12. Dune - Frank Herbert
13. Dune Messiah - Frank Herbert
14. Red Mars - Kim Stanley Robinson
15. The Light Fantastic - Terry Pratchett
16. The Lion of Senet - Jennifer Fallon
17. Feet of Clay - Terry Pratchett
18. Eye of the Labyrinth - Jennifer Fallon
19. Lord of the Shadows - Jennifer Fallon
20. The Gone-Away World - Nick Harkaway
21. Men at Arms - Terry Pratchett
22. Foundation - Isaac Asimov
23. Nation - Terry Pratchett
24. Foundation and Empire - Isaac Asimov
25. Pegasus in Flight - Anne McCaffrey
26. Pegasus in Space - Anne McCaffrey
27. Good Omens - Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
28. The Colour of Magic - Terry Pratchett
29. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - JK Rowling
30. Second Foundation - Isaac Asimov
31. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
32. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe - Douglas Adams
33. Storm Front - Jim Butcher
34. Fool Moon - Jim Butcher
35. Coraline - Neil Gaiman
36. Grave Peril - Jim Butcher
37. Summer Knight - Jim Butcher
38. The Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss
39. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime - Mark Haddon
40. The Algebraist - Ian M Banks
41. Death Masks - Jim Butcher
42. Unseen Academicals - Terry Pratchett
43. The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffeneger
44. Dragonquest - Anne McCaffrey
45. Blood Rites - Jim Butcher
46. Proven Guilty - Jim Butcher
47. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
48. The Fifth Elephant - Terry Pratchett
49. The Graveyard Book - Neil Gaiman
50. Norwegian Folktales - Asbjornsen and Moe

Ha, I made it.

Tim,  03.01.10 07:23

Repost from

In 2009 for the first time I kept a note of all the books I read, with a view to completing the 50-book challenge. This was one of my objectives for the "101 things in 1001 days" project, which I began on 1 January 2009. In fact I read 50½ books, as I still had to finish one that I had begun in December 2008. I finished my last book on 29 December 2009.

For 2010, instead of having a target of reading a fixed number of books, I'm going to make a list of particular books I want to read, and try to alternate between books that are on the list and books that aren't. Now that I'm a full-time student, I'll have a lot of individual chapters of academic books to read, which makes it hard to rack up whole books, so I don't think another 50-book challenge would be a good idea!

Here is the list of my 2009 books – I'd be glad to hear your opinions on any of them. FYI, brackets means I began the book in a different month to when I finished it, and the square brackets are for a time when I slightly messed up my record-keeping and am not sure in which order I read the two books.

Happy New Year, and good luck in your reading plans for 2010, whatever they are!

January (3.5)

(Never Let Me Go – Kazuo Ishiguro)
Storm Front – Jim Butcher
The Book of Illusions – Paul Auster
The Tales of Beedle the Bard – J.K. Rowling

February (5)

(Lolita – Vladimir Nabokov)
The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow – Jerome K. Jerome
Lord of Light – Roger Zelazny
The Player of Games – Iain M. Banks
The Sparrow – Mary Doria Russell

March (4)

Night Watch – Sergei Lukyanenko
Use of Weapons – Iain M. Banks
The Time Traveler's Wife – Audrey Niffenegger
The State of the Art – Iain M. Banks

April (5)

The Kindly Ones – Neil Gaiman
The Wake – Neil Gaiman
(These Old Shades – Georgette Heyer)
The Shadow of the Wind – Carlos Ruiz Zafón
[Excession – Iain M. Banks]

May (4)

[(Selected poems 1923-1958 – E. E. Cummings)]
(Inversions – Iain M. Banks)
Fool Moon – Jim Butcher
Feersum Endjinn – Iain M. Banks

June (5)

Look to Windward – Iain M. Banks
Dali's Mustache – Salvador Dalí and Philippe Halsman
The Masqueraders – Georgette Heyer
The Remains of the Day – Kazuo Ishiguro
The Eye in the Pyramid – Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson

July (4)

(Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog) – Jerome K. Jerome)
Grave Peril – Jim Butcher
A Canticle for Leibowitz – Walter M. Miller, Jr
Espedair Street – Iain Banks

August (4)

(The Gone-Away World – Nick Harkaway)
Unspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From The Stars – Frank Key
The Golden Apple – Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson
Baudolino – Umberto Eco

September (2)

Leviathan – Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson
Un Lun Dun – China Miéville

October (3)

Family (Law Basics) – Elaine Sutherland
1066 And All That – W.C. Sellar (Aegrot: Oxon) and R.J.Yeatman (Failed M.A., etc. Oxon)
Don'ts for Husbands – Blanche Ebbutt

November (5)

Pawn of Prophecy – David Eddings
The Last Hero – Terry Pratchett
The Reluctant Fundamentalist – Mohsin Hamid
A Pig at the Wheel – Michael Bland
Queen of Sorcery – David Eddings

December (6)

(Thomas Jefferson: American Humanist – Karl Lehmann)
Magician's Gambit – David Eddings
Contract Law in Scotland – Hector MacQueen and Joe Thomson
Summer Knight – Jim Butcher
Foucault's Pendulum – Umberto Eco
Castle of Wizardry – David Eddings

Tor,  03.01.10 09:00

Mitt halvhjertede forsøk på å nå 50 bøker endte med dette:

Nation av Terry Pratchett

The End of Mr Y av Scarlett Thomas

The Graveyard Book av Neil Gaiman

The Gone-Away World av Nick Harkaway

The Music of the Primes av Marcus du Sautoy

The Mystery of Edwin Drood av Charles Dickens

A Study in Scarlet av Arthur Conan Doyle

The Sign of Four av Arthur Conan Doyle

My Man Jeeves av P.G. Wodehouse

Aunts Aren't Gentlemen av P.G. Wodehouse

The Gathering Storm av Robert Jordan og Brandon Sanderson

Psmith in the City av P.G. Wodehouse

Are,  03.01.10 12:26

Just seeing Dune on Mary's list makes me want to read it again...

Camilla, did you enjoy American Gods?

Camilla,  03.01.10 12:43

Yes, it is quite good. I prefer Neverwhere, but that may be because I know more about the London subway than I do about rural America. The mythological references appealed to me quite a lot, and the writing is good. It should be read.

The main ones I would recommend from my list are that, The Gone-Away World, Unspeakable Desolation Pouring Down from the Stars, The Turn of the Screw, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and The Count of Monte-Cristo. Oh, and all things Holmes, of course. That goes without saying. And all things Wilde.

Camilla,  03.01.10 18:30

Forøvrig, Anders (noe jeg trodde jeg hadde kommentert her, men som jeg altså ikke later til å ha gjort):

Jeg er ikke enig i at å publisere lister over hva man leser er teit. Jeg er enig i at selve det å gå hardt inn for 50 bøker koste hva det koste vil kan være uheldig, for jeg ser for meg at enkelte gjerne går for veldig korte og lettleste bøker for å nå det magiske tallet. Akkurat det motvirkes imidlertid litt av det du later til å mene gjør det dobbelt teit (altså at man også publiserer titlene).

Jeg synes tvert imot det er veldig interessant å se hva folk leser. Jeg har tidligere bare hatt vage ideer om det. Hvorvidt dette skal kobles til noe a la 50 book challenge er selvsagt helt åpent. Jeg tar ikke challenge-delen av det tungt i det hele tatt og leser kun basert på hva jeg føler for (eventuelt hva jeg må lese). Å publisere en liste over bøkene jeg har vært gjennom et år gjør ikke det jeg leser noe mindre interessant. Tvert imot gjør det at jeg senere kan gå tilbake og se hva som kan ha påvirket meg i gitte perioder.

Kontrasystemet ditt, som du kaller det, kan fint kombineres med å legge opp en liste over hva du leser. Det er altså mer som et tilleggssystem enn et kontrasystem.

Ole Petter,  03.01.10 21:46

Jeg tar av meg den fine Arc'teryx-lua jeg fikk til jul for dere som leser 50+ bøker pr år, og jeg ser poenget med å legge ut en liste. Og ja, det er litt interessant å se hva dere har lest, men det hadde vært mye mer interessant hvis dere kunne skrevet en liten oppsummering til slutt. Jeg blir veldig nysgjerrig på ting som: hvis dere bare kunne anbefalt *en* bok av de dere har lest, hvilken hadde det blitt? Og hvilken bok var mest skuffende/dårligst? Hva var tyngst?

Noen som har lyst å svare?

Camilla,  03.01.10 22:54

Hvis jeg skal velge én som jeg skal anbefale så må det nok være The Gone-Away World. Litt fordi den er litt mindre kjent og at det derfor er mindre sannsynlig at noen bare kommer til å plukke den opp tilfeldig (i motsetning til for eksempel The Count of Monte-Cristo).

Den tyngste var nok Blanchot, men det var ikke annet å forvente. Han og Levinas, egentlig. Av fiksjons-bøkene var den tyngste Robinson Crusoe. Himmel og hav, sier jeg bare.

Den mest skuffende var nok The Last Cavalier, mest fordi jeg hadde så store forventninger.

Som du ser har jeg hele tiden skrevet om dem som gjorde inntrykk ;)

Ole Petter,  04.01.10 20:38

Takk Camilla! The Gone-Away World blir med i min neste Amazon-runde.

Are,  04.01.10 21:11

Gone-Away er ei herlig bok.
Camilla,  01.01.11 17:45

Canterbury Tales -- Geoffrey Chaucer

Hannah Montana: Crush-tastic -- Alice Alfonsi et al.

The Elegance of the Hedgehog -- Muriel Barbery

An Apology for Poetry -- Philip Sidney

Menn som hater kvinner -- Stieg Larsson

Hamlet -- William Shakespeare

The Rover -- Aphra Behn

The Fellowship of the Ring -- J.R.R. Tolkien

A Room of One's Own -- Virginia Woolf

The Eternals -- Neil Gaiman & John Romita, jr. (ill)

The Red House Mystery -- A.A. Milne

The Two Towers -- J.R.R. Tolkien

Victorian Novelists and Publishers -- John Sutherland

The Return of the King -- J.R.R. Tolkien

The Children's Book -- A.S. Byatt

The Tales of Beedle the Bard -- J.K. Rowling

The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Complete -- Charles Dickens & "The Spirit Pen of Charles Dickens" (T.P. James)

Solaris -- Stanislaw Lem

Night Watch -- Terry Pratchett

Drood -- Dan Simmons

Possession -- A.S. Byatt

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency -- Douglas Adams

Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit -- P.G. Wodehouse

The Storyteller's Tale -- Omair Ahmad

In the Land of Time and Other Fantasy Tales -- Lord Dunsany

The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul -- Douglas Adams

The Radleys -- Matt Haig

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone -- J.K. Rowling

Cloud Atlas -- David Mitchell

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets -- J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban -- J.K. Rowling

Moab is my Washpot -- Stephen Fry

Dickens's Mystery of Edwin Drood. Completed -- ``A Loyal Dickensian''

The Murder of Edwin Drood -- Percy T. Carden

The Mystery of Edwin Drood by Charles Dickens. Completed in 1914 -- Walter E. Crisp

Unfun -- ``Abo Rasul'' (Matias Faldbakken)

Spiritualism: a Narrative with a Discussion -- Patrick Proctor Alexander

The Great Mystery Solved; being a sequel to 'The Mystery of Edwin Drood' in 3 volumes -- ``Gillan Vase'' (Elizabeth Palmer Pacht Newton)

Spiritualism: A Popular History from 1847 -- Joseph McCabe

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire -- J.K. Rowling

I Shall Wear Midnight -- Terry Pratchett

Our Tragic Universe -- Scarlett Thomas

The Fry Chronicles -- Stephen Fry

Pride and Prejudice -- Jane Austen

Consider Phlebas -- Iain M. Banks

The Rosicrucian Enlightenment -- Frances Yates

The Spy Who Came In From the Cold -- John le Carré

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix -- J.K. Rowling

Fathers and Sons -- Ivan Turgenev

Ondskapen -- Jan Guillou

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince -- J.K. Rowling

Richard III -- William Shakespeare

Cloud 9 -- Caryl Churchill

The Raven King. Matthias Corvinus and the fate of his lost library -- Marcus Tanner

The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age -- Frances Yates

Black Swan Green -- David Mitchell

Emma -- Jane Austen

A Room with a View -- E.M. Forster

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- J.K. Rowling

Soulless -- Gail Carriger

Changeless -- Gail Carriger

The Lions of Al-Rassan -- Guy Gavriel Kay


Tor,  01.01.11 18:25

Jeg er fornøyd med at jeg greide 20, som betyr at jeg innfridde fjorårets nyttårsforsett på det punktet i alle fall.

Jeg tror imidlertid at selv om jeg helt sikkert ikke kommer til å lese flest bøker i 2011, ble jeg kanskje den som først avsluttet en bok. Jeg leste nemlig ut The Great Hunt i tre-tiden i natt.

Oppdatert med liste:

Unseen Academicals av Terry Pratchett
Quicksilver av Neal Stephenson
The Red House Mystery av A. A. Milne
Ringdrotten av J.R.R. Tolkien
Ringworld av Larry Niven
Solaris av Stanislaw Lem
A briefer history of time av Stephen Hawking
Six Easy Pieces av Richard Feynman
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes av Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes av Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Return of Sherlock Holmes av Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone av J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets av J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban av J.K. Rowling
The Next 100 Years av George Friedman
The Hound of the Baskervilles av Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Do Butlers Burgle Banks? av P. G. Wodehouse
Towers of Midnight av Robert Jordan og Brandon Sanderson
The Eye of the World av Robert Jordan
Bridge of Birds av Barry Hughart


Camilla,  01.01.11 18:27

Det er bare fordi du sa du var for syk til å spille Passport og ville sove. Juks!
Camilla,  01.01.12 14:21

Bridge of Birds -- Barry Hughart

The Truth -- Terry Pratchett

The Tragicall History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus -- Christopher Marlowe

The Pillow Book -- Sei Shonagon

Blameless -- Gail Carriger

Quicksilver -- Neal Stephenson

Monstrous Regiment -- Terry Pratchett

Brideshead Revisited -- Evelyn Waugh

The Heart of a Dog -- Mikhail Bulgakov

Persuasion -- Jane Austen

When We Were Orphans -- Kazuo Ishiguro

Persepolis -- Marjane Satrapi

Never Let Me Go -- Kazuo Ishiguro

The Painted Veil -- W. Somerset Maugham

Casino Royale -- Ian Fleming

The Quiet American -- Graham Greene

Pereira Maintains -- Antonio Tabucchi

The Anubis Gates -- Tim Powers

Good Omens -- Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman

L'ordre du discours -- Michel Foucault

Wire in the Blood -- Val McDermid

Pretty Monsters -- Kelly Link

The Crimson Petal and the White -- Michel Faber

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd -- Agatha Christie

To Kill a Mockingbird -- Nelle Harper Lee

Eric -- Terry Pratchett

The Lies of Locke Lamora -- Scott Lynch

Ringworld -- Larry Niven

Our Mutual Friend -- Charles Dickens

Born to be Gay: a history of homosexuality -- William Naphy

Siddhartha -- Hermann Hesse

A Christmas Carol and Two other Christmas Books -- Charles Dickens

Oliver Twist -- Charles Dickens

Daytripper -- Fábio Moon & Gabriel Bá

The Mystery of Edwin Drood Solved -- Benny R. Reece

Rivers of London -- Ben Aaronovitch

Heartless -- Gail Carriger

Pride and Prejudice -- Jane Austen

The Scarlet Pimpernel -- Baroness Orczy

The Fairytales of Charles Perrault -- Angela Carter/Charles Perrault

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy -- John le Carré

Snuff -- Terry Pratchett

Morgan Kane. Der Ørnene Dør -- Louis Masterson (Kjell Hallbing)

The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia -- Samuel Johnson

Marvel 1602 -- Neil Gaiman & Andy Kubert

The Secret Pilgrim -- John Le Carré

Charles Dickens: A Life in Writing -- Michael Slater

Our Mutual Friend -- Charles Dickens

Lighthousekeeping -- Jeanette Winterson

The Honourable Schoolboy -- John Le Carré

Lightning Rods -- Helen DeWitt

Smiley's People -- John Le Carré

The Liar -- Stephen Fry

Shakespeare -- Bill Bryson

Red Seas Under Red Skies -- Scott Lynch

Nadja -- André Breton

Heat Wave -- "Richard Castle"

Spesielt for i år er at jeg var med på en såkalt "challenge" som skulle få folk til å lese mer variert. Man skulle altså lese minst en bok av hver av seks genrer over hele året (historical fiction, western, horror, mystery, (auto-)biography, history, family chronicle, allegory/parody/satire and surrealist novel), og så skulle man lese en bok med bestemte kriterier over to måneder av gangen:

Januar/februar: Read a work of classic literature -- one you've never read before.

Mars/april: Read a book by an author from a country you've not read a book from before.

Mai/juni: Read one Scifi, one Fantasy AND one Spec Fic book

Juli/august: Read a graphic novel, a play OR a collection of poetry you've not read before.

September/oktober: Read a book, then watch a film of that book.

November/desember: Read a non-fiction book you've not read before.

Det var interessant. Jeg ser ikke for meg at jeg ville lest Morgan Kane eller Bretons Nadja hvis det ikke var for disse, men jeg er litt glad for at jeg nå kan gå tilbake til å lese helt etter mitt eget forgodtbefinnende. Det er imidlertid ikke umulig at jeg vil prøve noe lignende igjen om et par år.
Tor,  01.01.12 19:10

The Great Hunt av Robert Jordan
The Dragon Reborn av Robert Jordan
Dive Into HTML5 av Mark Pilgrim
The Confusion av Neal Stephenson
Ø av Knut Nærum
The System of the World av Neal Stephenson
Relativity av Albert Einstein
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy av Douglas Adams
The Resturant at the End of the Universe av Douglas Adams
Life, the Universe and Everything av Douglas Adams
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish av Douglas Adams
Mostly Harmless av Douglas Adams
In the Beginning Was The Command Line av Neal Stephenson
Strata av Terry Pratchett
Decision Points av George W. Bush
The Code of the Woosters av P.G. Wodehouse
Steve Jobs av Walter Isaacson
Treasure Island av Robert Louis Stevenson
The Shadow Rising av Robert Jordan
Ring for Jeeves av P.G. Wodehouse
The Fires of Heaven av Robert Jordan
Lord of Chaos av Robert Jordan
The Mating Season av P.G. Wodehouse
The Crown of Swords av Robert Jordan
Feynman av Jim Ottaviani og Leland Myrick

25 bøker, så flere enn i fjor. Denne artikkelen med tilhørende kommentarer begynner å bli ganske interessant egentlig. Og jeg tror den inspirerer meg til å lese mer. Jeg har jo alltid tenkt på meg selv som en fyr som leser mye, men jeg tror det var noe som hang igjen fra gamle dager, og at jeg ikke egentlig leste så mye fra jeg begynte å studere, sånn omtrent. Men nå er det i ferd med å ta seg opp, selv om det har blitt litt mye Wodehouse og Jordan det siste året. Ikke at det er dårlige greier, men det er bra med variasjon.
Camilla,  01.01.13 19:04

Silke -- Alessandro Baricco

An Artist of the Floating World -- Kazuo Ishiguro

Sense and Sensibility -- Jane Austen

Cuckold -- Kiran Nagarkar

The Devil in Amber -- Mark Gatiss

Angelmaker -- Nick Harkaway

The Disappearance of Edwin Drood -- Peter Rowland

The Author -- Andrew Bennett

The Death and Return of the Author: Criticism and Subjectivity in Barthes, Foucault and Derrida -- Seán Burke

The Constant Gardener -- John Le Carré

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy -- Douglas Adams

The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy -- Douglas Adams

Absolute Friends -- John Le Carré

The Ghost Writer -- Philip Roth

The Mythology of the Secret Societies -- J.M. Roberts

The Gone-Away World -- Nick Harkaway

The Hunger Games -- Suzanne Collins

Catching Fire -- Suzanne Collins

Mockingjay -- Suzanne Collins

The Secret Life of Bletchley Park -- Sinclair McKay

The Last Samurai -- Helen DeWitt

Watchmen and Philosophy (a Rorschach test) -- Mark D. White (ed.)

Life, the Universe and Everything -- Douglas Adams

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish -- Douglas Adams

The Hobbit -- J.R.R. Tolkien

Mostly Harmless -- Douglas Adams

J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of the Century -- Tom Shippey

Them: Adventures with Extremists -- Jon Ronson

The Secret Adversary -- Agatha Christie

The Great Gatsby -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Persuasion -- Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice -- Jane Austen

A Perfect Spy -- John Le Carré

The Complete Maus -- Art Spiegelman

Ghostwritten -- David Mitchell

The Rule of Law -- Tom Bingham

The Psychopath Test: A journey Through the Madness Industry -- Jon Ronson

The Night Circus -- Erin Morgenstern

The Men Who Stare At Goats -- Jon Ronson

Other Voices, Other Rooms -- Truman Capote

A Game of Thrones -- George R. R. Martin

The Uncommon Reader -- Alan Bennett

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol 1 -- Alan Moore et als.

Enlightened Sexism: The Seductive Message that Feminism's Work Is Done -- Susan J. Douglas

The Sense of an Ending -- Julian Barnes

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? -- Philip K. Dick

Dodger -- Terry Pratchett

The Scarlet Pimpernel -- Baroness Orczy

Death Comes to Pemberley -- P.D. James

Cloud 9 -- Caryl Churchill

Lost at Sea: The Jon Ronson Mysteries -- Jon Ronson

Angelmaker -- Nick Harkaway

Karoline,  01.01.13 22:16

..Og de sier at akademikere har for mye fri? Makan.
Camilla,  01.01.13 22:17

Tor,  05.01.13 23:14

The Path of Daggers av Robert Jordan
Winter's Heart av Robert Jordan
Crossroads of Twilight av Robert Jordan
Knife of Dreams av Robert Jordan
The Gathering Storm av Brandon Sanderson og Robert Jordan
Towers of Midnight av Brandon Sanderson og Robert Jordan
The Operators av Michael Hastings
Program or be Programmed av Douglas Rushkoff
The Renaissance - A Very Short Introduction av Jerry Brotton
Nothing - A Very Short Introduction av Frank Close
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running av Haruki Murakami
The Psychopath Test av Jon Ronson
Barske glæder av Peter Wessel Zapffe
End This Depression Now av Paul Krugman

The Awakening -- Kate Chopin

Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus -- Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Venus Plus X -- Theodore Sturgeon

The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal and the Real Count of Monte Cristo -- Tom Reiss

By The Pricking of My Thumbs -- Agatha Christie

From Elvish to Klingon: Exploring Invented Languages -- Michael Adams (ed.)

Copenhagen -- Michael Frayn

Wuthering Heights -- Emily Brontë

Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes -- Maria Konnikova

Our Mutual Friend -- Charles Dickens

The Children of Húrin -- J.R.R. Tolkien

Brainwash: The Secret History of Mind Control -- Dominic Streatfeild

Breakfast at Tiffany's -- Truman Capote

She-wolves: The Women Who Ruled England Before Elizabeth -- Helen Castor

Watchmen -- Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons

On Evil -- Terry Eagleton

The Demolished Man -- Alfred Bester

The Quantum Thief -- Hannu Rajaniemi

Love and Friendship -- Jane Austen

A Study in Scarlet -- Arthur Conan Doyle

Sherlock's Men: Masculinity, Conan Doyle, and Cultural History -- Joseph A. Kestner

The Sign of the Four -- Arthur Conan Doyle

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes -- Arthur Conan Doyle

The Sign of Three: Dupin, Holmes, Peirce -- Umberto Eco & Thomas A. Sebeok (eds.)

The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes -- Arthur Conan Doyle

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Detecting Social Order -- Rosemary Jann

Diagnosis and Detection: The Medical Iconography of Sherlock Holmes -- Pasquale Accardo

The Hound of the Baskervilles -- Arthur Conan Doyle

The Notting Hill Mystery -- Charles Warren Adams (Charles Felix)

The Hound of the Baskervilles Chapter XI by Arthur Conan Doyle: Facsimile of the Original Manuscript and Commentary -- Leslie S. Klinger (ed.)

The Return of Sherlock Holmes -- Arthur Conan Doyle

His Last Bow -- Arthur Conan Doyle

The Seven-Per-Cent Solution: Being a reprint from the reminiscences of John H. Watson, M.D. -- Nicholas Meyer

Hogfather -- Terry Pratchett
Tor,  01.01.14 12:23

A Memory of Light av Robert Jordan og Brandon Sanderson
Naiv. Super av Erlend Loe
Cloud Atlas av David Mitchell
1984 av George Orwell
Le Snob -- Tailoring av Simon Crompton
Quiet av Susan Cain
The Suit av Nicholas Antongiavanni
Ancient Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction av Julia Annas
The Prince av Niccolò Machiavelli
How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read av Pierre Bayard
Hobbiten (nynorsk) av J.R.R. Tolkien
Pride and Prejudice av Jane Austen
Sourcery av Terry Pratchett
Serenity: The Shepherd's Tale av Joss og Zack Whedon
Ole Petter,  07.01.14 19:37

The Last Samurai - Helen DeWitt
Ready Player One - Ernest Cline
Pushing Ice - Alastair Reynolds
Revelation Space - Alastair Reynolds
House of Suns - Alastair Reynolds
The Shaking Woman, or A History of My Nerves - Siri Hustvedt
A General Theory of Love - Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini, Richard Lannon
The Underachiever's Manifesto - Ray Bennett
Come, Thou Tortoise - Jessica Grant
A Wizard of Earthsea - Ursula K. Le Guin
Neptune's Brood - Charles Stross
Red Mars - Kim Stanley Robinson
Hyperbole and a Half - Allie Brosh
Notes from Underground - Dostoyevsky
The Examined Life - Stephen Grosz
Evig Søndag - Linnéa Myhre
På Vegne Av Venner - Kristopher Schau
Abaddon's Gate - James S.A. Corey
11/22/63 - Stephen King
Camilla likes this
Camilla,  07.01.14 23:16

@ Ole Petter: Endelig noen som har lest The Last Samurai. Likte du den?

Ole Petter,  08.01.14 19:24

@ Camilla: Det begynner å bli en stund siden jeg leste den, men: ja, jeg likte den, stort sett. Personene var interessante, og måten historien ble fortalt på føltes orginal og ...lærerik(?), finner ikke helt det riktige ordet. Interessant. Fascinasjonen over språk var smittende. Jeg planla å se filmen (7 Samurai), men det ble det aldri noe av, vet ikke om jeg gikk glipp av mye pga det.

Jeg sleit litt med å godta enkelte ting: Ludo's genialitet var greit (og godt skrevet), men jeg klarte ikke helt å tro på at han skulle være så psykologisk sterk med en såpass mangelfull oppvekst. Sibylla var ikke akkurat en god mor. Det hadde virket like naturlig om Ludo hadde lett etter en alternativ mor, i stedet for en manglende far.

Dere skal få tilbake boken ved neste anledning. Takk for lånet og takk for tipset!
Camilla,  09.01.14 00:08

Så det er du som har backup-kopien min av den boken! Det har jeg lurt litt på. Jeg skal bli flinkere til å skrive ned denslags.

Du burde definitivt se Syv samuraier. Den er strålende. Vi har den på dvd, så du kan låne den av oss.

Jeg likte Sibylla, egentlig. Det er sjelden du får så analytiske kvinnekarakterer som i DeWitt. Jeg sier det med basis i to hele bøker, men likevel.
Camilla,  01.01.15 11:22

The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making -- Catherynne M. Valente
Memento Mori -- Muriel Spark
The Valley of Fear -- Arthur Conan Doyle
The Twistrose Key -- Tone Almhjell
The Mystery of Edwin Drood -- Charles Dickens
The Scarlet Pimpernel -- Baroness Orczy
In the Land of Invented Languages -- Arika Okrent
Misreadings -- Umberto Eco
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? -- Philip K. Dick
The Left Hand of Darkness -- Ursula Le Guin
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy -- Douglas Adams
The Gone-Away World -- Nick Harkaway
The Quantum Thief -- Hannu Rajaniemi
Rocannon's World -- Ursula Le Guin
Planet of Exile -- Ursula Le Guin
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A report on the banality of evil -- Hannah Arendt
The Female Man -- Joanna Russ
City of Illusions -- Ursula Le Guin
Stars In My Pocket Like Grains Of Sand -- Samuel R. Delany
The Dispossessed -- Ursula Le Guin
Tigerman -- Nick Harkaway
The Fractal Prince -- Hannu Rajaniemi
The Word For World Is Forest -- Ursula Le Guin
The Invention of Murder: How the Victorians Revelled in Death and Detection and Created Modern Crime -- Judith Flanders
Unspeakable Things: Sex, Lies and Revolution -- Laurie Penny
Eighty Days: Nellie Bly and Elisabeth Bisland's History-Making Race Around the World -- Matthew Goodman
The Vesuvius Club -- Mark Gatiss
The Bloody Chamber -- Angela Carter
Wolf Hall -- Hilary Mantel
The Sirens of Titan -- Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
Curtain: Poirot's Last Case -- Agatha Christie
The Music of the Primes: why an usolved problem in mathematics matters -- Marcus du Sautoy
Macroanalysis: Digital Methods & Literary History -- Matthew L. Jockers
Stoner: A Novel -- John Williams
Men Explain Things to Me -- Rebecca Solnit
10,000 Light-Years from Home -- James Tiptree, Jr.
The Daughter of Time -- Josephine Tey
The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher -- Hilary Mantel
Strange Defeat: A Statement of Evidence Written in 1940 -- Marc Bloch
Titus Groan -- Mervyn Peake
Ragnarok -- A. S. Byatt
Barnaby Rudge -- Charles Dickens
The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus -- L. Frank Baum
The Santa Klaus Murder -- Mavis Doriel Hay
The Nutcracker -- E. T. A. Hoffmann
The Night Before Christmas -- Nikolai Gogol
Letters from Father Christmas -- J. R. R. Tolkien
Hercule Poirot's Christmas -- Agatha Christie
A Murder of Quality -- John Le Carré
Cold Comfort Farm -- Stella Gibbons
A Chess Story -- Stefan Zweig
Camilla,  01.01.16 10:57

Beowulf: a translation and commentary, together with Sellic Spell -- J. R. R. Tolkien
Lord of the Flies -- William Golding
The Master of Go -- Kawabata Yasunari
The Woman Who Thought She Was a Planet and Other Stories -- Vandana Singh
Oliver Twist -- Charles Dickens
Sultana's Dream and Selections from The Secluded Ones -- Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain et als.
The Whispering Trees -- Abubakar Adam Ibrahim
The Buddha in the Attic -- Julie Otsuka
Civil War -- Mark Millar et al.
Rashomon and other stories -- Akutagawa Ryunosuke
Lagoon -- Nnedi Okorafor
Saga, book I -- Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples
Age of Ultron -- Brian Michael Bendis et al.
The Dead Mountaineer's Inn -- Boris and Arkady Strugatsky
Lord of the Flies -- William Golding
The Library of Unrequited Love -- Sophie Divry
The God of Small Things -- Arundhati Roy
Suffragette: My Own Story -- Emmeline Pankhurst
Secrets in a Dead Fish: The Spying Game in the First World War -- Melanie King
The Cyberiad -- Stanisław Lem
The Thing Around Your Neck -- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage -- Sydney Padua
Migritude -- Shailja Patel
Fragile Things -- Neil Gaiman
Half of a Yellow Sun -- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism -- Ha-Joon Chang
Paradise Lost -- John Milton
Beirut Nightmares -- Ghada Samman
Angela Carter's Book of Fairy Tales -- Angela Carter (ed.)
Life and a Half -- Sony Labou Tansi
Orientalism -- Edward Saïd
Imaginary Maps -- Mahasweta Devi
Late Victorian Crime Fiction in the Shadows of Sherlock -- Clare Clarke
The Song of Achilles -- Madeline Miller
Snow Country -- Kawabata Yasunari
The Garlic Ballads -- Mo Yan
A God in Every Stone -- Kamila Shamsie
We Need New Names -- NoViolet Bulawayo
Amrita -- Banana Yoshimoto
Reading Lolita in Tehran -- Azar Nafisi
The Einstein Intersection -- Samuel Delany
Le Vicomte de Bragelonne -- Alexandre Dumas
The Inheritance of Loss -- Kiran Desai
The Book Thief -- Markus Zusak
Watching the English: The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour -- Kate Fox
The History of the Kings of Britain -- Geoffrey of Monmouth
Doctor Marigold's Prescriptions -- Charles Dickens et al.
The Shadow of the Crescent Moon -- Fatima Bhutto
Ibn Fadlan and the Land of Darkness: Arab Travellers in the Far North -- Ibn Fadlan et al.
The Chomsky/Foucault Debate on Human Nature -- Noam Chomsky & Michel Foucault
Blood Sisters: The Women Behind the Wars of the Roses -- Sarah Gristwood
Korstogene sett fra arabernes side -- Amin Maalouf
Finn and Hengest: The Fragment and the Episode -- J. R. R. Tolkien
Mornings in Jenin -- Susan Abulhawa
The Blue Between Sky and Water -- Susan Abulhawa
The Luminaries -- Eleanor Catton
Fremtidens araber: Barndom i Midtøsten (1978-1984) -- Riad Sattouf
The Secret History of the Lord of Musashi & Arrowroot -- Tanizaki Junichiro
The Handmaid's Tale -- Margaret Atwood
The Strange Library -- Haruki Murakami
Pride and Prejudice -- Jane Austen
The Autobiography of Yukichi Fukuzawa -- Fukuzawa Yukichi
Tor,  03.01.16 18:43

The Peace War av Vernor Vinge
Marooned in Realtime av Vernor Vinge
The Ungoverned av Vernor Vinge
Age of Ultron av Brian Michael Bendis, et al
Smith of Wotton Major av J.R.R. Tolkien
Saga, book I av Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples
The Library of Unrequited Love av Sophie Divry
The Black Swan av Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea Guy Delisle
Shenzhen av Guy Delisle
Fooled by Randomness av Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past av Shotaro Ishinomori
The Cyberiad av Stanisław Lem
London 2084 av Bing og Bringsværd
The Birth of a Theorem av Cédric Villani
Mr. Holmes av Mitch Cullin
Future Science - Cutting edge essays from the new generation of scientists av Max Brockman (red.)
I AM ERROR av Nathan Altice
The Autobiography of Yukichi Fukuzawa av Yukichi Fukuzawa
Ibsen på en time av Katrina og Henrik Lange
The Martian av Andy Weir
Athos i Amerika av Jason
Camilla,  01.01.17 13:36

This year I seem to have read twice as many books as I normally do. I have no idea how that happened. I have put the ones you really, really need to pick up and read immediately in bold.

The Long Tomorrow -- Leigh Brackett
Lewis Carroll in Numberland -- Robin Wilson
Twelve Angry Men -- Reginald Rose
The Martian Chronicles -- Ray Bradbury
Parable of the Sower -- Octavia E. Butler
Leading the Blind: A Century of Guidebook Travel 1815-1911 -- Alan Sillitoe
Woman at Point Zero -- Nawal El Saadawi
The Question of Palestine -- Edward Said
Black Butterfly -- Mark Gatiss
Dubliners -- James Joyce
The Starry Rift -- James Tiptree, Jr.
Something Wicked This Way Comes -- Ray Bradbury
The Peace War -- Vernor Vinge
Marooned in Realtime -- Vernor Vinge
Brown Girl in the Ring -- Nalo Hopkinson
The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit -- Charles Dickens
In Cold Blood -- Truman Capote
Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition -- Frances Yates
Babel-17 -- Samuel R. Delany
The Prague Cemetery -- Umberto Eco
The Old Man in the Corner -- Baroness Orczy
Beloved -- Toni Morrison
The Causal Angel -- Hannu Rajaniemi
Nineteen Eighty-Four -- George Orwell
Animal Farm -- George Orwell
The Old Man and the Sea -- Ernest Hemingway
The Shepherd -- Frederick Forsyth
Hunting the Bismarck -- C. S. Forester
Metro 2033 -- Dmitry Glukhovsky
Lord of the Flies -- William Golding
Nemesis -- Agatha Christie
In the Heart of the Sea -- Nathaniel Philbrick
All the Pretty Horses -- Cormac McCarthy
Alex -- Pierre Lemaitre
A Game of Thrones -- George R. R. Martin
For Valour -- Andy McNab
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas -- Hunter S. Thompson
We Should All Be Feminists -- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
God Hates Us All -- Hank Moody
Witch World -- Andre Norton
American Sniper -- Chris Kyle
The Easy Day Was Yesterday -- Paul Jordan
Snakes in the Eagle's Nest: A History of Ground Attacks on Air Force Bases -- Alan Vick
The Beekeeper's Apprentice -- Laurie R. King
The Poisoned Chocolates Case -- Anthony Berkeley
A Stranger in Olondria -- Sofia Samatar
The Innocence of Father Brown -- G. K. Chesterton
A Monstrous Regiment of Women -- Laurie R. King
Unflattening -- Nick Sousanis
Fangirl -- Rainbow Rowell
Carry On -- Rainbow Rowell
O, Jerusalem -- Laurie R. King
A Letter of Mary -- Laurie R. King
Feminist Fables -- Suniti Namjoshi
Ancillary Justice -- Ann Leckie
The Moor -- Laurie R. King
The Secret History of Wonder Woman -- Jill Lepore
I killed Scheherazade: confessions of an angry arab woman -- Joumana Haddad

Justice Hall -- Laurie R. King
The Housekeeper and the Professor -- Yoko Ogawa
Angelmaker -- Nick Harkaway
Her Father's Name -- Florence Marryat
The Final Solution -- Michael Chabon
The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui -- Bertolt Brecht

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child -- J. K. Rowling et al.
So Long Been Dreaming: Postcolonian Science Fiction & Fantasy -- eds. Nalo Hopkinson & Uppinder Mehan
The Goddess Chronicle -- Natsuo Kirino
On Violence -- Hannah Arendt
A Study in Sherlock: Stories Inspired by the Holmes Canon -- eds. Laurie R. King & Leslie S. Klinger
Claret, Sandwitches and Sin -- Madelaine Duke
Dumas et les Mousquetaires: Histoire d'un chef-d'œuvre -- Simone Bertière

The Man Who Was Thursday -- G. K. Chesterton
Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms: Journeys into the Disappearing Religions of the Middle East -- Gerard Russell
Persuasion -- Jane Austen

Men in Dark Times -- Hannah Arendt
The Human Condition -- Hannah Arendt
Thinking in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt on Ethics and Politics -- Roger Berkowitz et al.(eds.)
The Game -- Laurie R. King
The Mysteries of Udolpho -- Ann Radcliffe
Feminism Is for Everybody: Passionate Politics -- bell hooks
The Last Samurai -- Helen DeWitt

Writing and Difference -- Jacques Derrida
The Bastard of Istanbul -- Elif Shafak
Patternmaster -- Octavia E. Butler

A Universal History of the Destruction of Books: From Ancient Sumer to Modern Iraq -- Fernando Báez
Mind of My Mind -- Octavia E. Butler
Nietzsche -- Lou Salomé
Wild Seed -- Octavia E. Butler
Guantanamo Diary -- Mohamedou Ould Slahi
Clay's Ark -- Octavia E. Butler
Arabian Nights and Days -- Naguib Mahfouz
The Difference Engine -- William Gibson & Bruce Sterling

The Art of Memory -- Frances A. Yates
Flat Earth News -- Nick Davies
The Forever War -- Joe Haldeman
Well of Loneliness -- Radclyffe Hall
Locked Rooms -- Laurie R. King
Unpopular Opinions -- Dorothy L. Sayers
Juleoratoriet -- Göran Tunström
Odinsbarn -- Siri Pettersen
Assassin's Cloak: An Anthology of the World's Greatest Diarists -- Irene & Alan Taylor (eds)
Camilla,  01.01.18 11:53

Most of these are good, but I have put some in bold just to make sure you read them.

Out of the Silent Planet -- C. S. Lewis
Dawn -- Octavia E. Butler
Numero Zero -- Umberto Eco
The Diamond Age -- Neal Stephenson
Inspector Imanishi Investigates -- Matsumoto Seicho
Råta -- Siri Pettersen
The Blue Manuscript -- Sabiha Al Khemir
The Three-Body Problem -- Liu Cixin
Little Brother -- Cory Doctorow
Strange Weather in Tokyo -- Kawakami Hiromi
Parable of the Talents -- Octavia E. Butler
Things I've Been Silent About -- Azar Nafisi
The Pigeon Tunnel -- John Le Carré
The Gaze -- Elif Shafak
Halting State -- Charles Stross
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman -- Laurence Sterne
Fingersmith -- Sarah Waters
Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic -- Alison Bechdel
The Encyclopedia of Trouble and Spaciousness -- Rebecca Solnit
Are You My Mother?: A Comic Drama -- Alison Bechdel
The Hollow Man -- John Dickson Carr
Jernvognen -- Stein Riverton
Through a Glass, Darkly -- Helen McCloy
The Edwin Drood Murders -- Christopher Lord
London 2084 -- Bing & Bringsværd
The Greek Coffin Mystery -- Ellery Queen
The 13 Problems -- Agatha Christie
Captives of the Flame -- Samuel R. Delany
The Towers of Toron -- Samuel R. Delany
City of a Thousand Suns -- Samuel R. Delany
The Language of Bees -- Laurie R. King
Ancillary Sword -- Ann Leckie
Ancillary Mercy -- Ann Leckie
The Ballad of Beta-2 -- Samuel R. Delany
Moden alder -- Simone de Beauvoir
Alif the Unseen -- G. Willow Wilson
The Story of Kullervo -- J. R. R. Tolkien
Guards! Guards! -- Terry Pratchett
The Jewels of Aptor -- Samuel R. Delany
Kabu-kabu -- Nnedi Okorafor
We Who Are About To... -- Joanna Russ
The God of the Hive -- Laurie R. King
Porterhouse Blue -- Tom Sharpe
Portraits of Violence -- Brad Evans, Sean Michael Wilson & al
Sister Outsider -- Audre Lorde
Night Watch -- Terry Pratchett
Oryx & Crake -- Margaret Atwood
The Bunker Diary -- Kevin Brooks
The Three Musketeers -- Alexandre Dumas
The Year of the Flood -- Margaret Atwood
The Eye of Jade -- Diane Wei Liang
The Power -- Naomi Alderman
The Pirate King -- Laurie R. King
The Princess Diarist -- Carrie Fisher
Charles Dickens's Our Mutual Friend: A Publishing History -- Sean Grass
Les reines de France au temps des Bourbons: les deux régentes -- Simone Bertière
The Dark Forest -- Liu Cixin
A Room of One's Own -- Virginia Woolf
Murder Underground -- Mavis Doriel Hay
Kindred -- Octavia E. Butler
Tipping the Velvet -- Sarah Waters
The Ministry of Utmost Happiness -- Arundhati Roy
How the Hippies Saved Physics: Science, Counterculture, and the Quantum Revival -- David Kaiser
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society -- Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows
Northanger Abbey -- Jane Austen
Pride and Prejudice -- Jane Austen
Sherlock Holmes by Gas-Lamp: Highlights from the First Four Decades of The Baker Street Journal -- Philip A. Shreffler
Persuasion -- Jane Austen
Notes on a Thesis -- Tiphaine Rivère
...And Always a Detective -- R. F. Stewart
Appleby's End -- Michael Innes
The Last Lover -- Can Xue
Garment of Shadows -- Laurie R. King
The Complete Stories -- Dorothy L. Sayers
Who Fears Death -- Nnedi Okorafor
The Door -- Magda Szabo
Provenance -- Ann Leckie
The Red Virgin and the Vision of Utopia -- Mary M. Talbot & Bryan Talbot
Fever Dream -- Samanta Scweblin
A Legacy of Spies -- John Le Carré
Lysår -- Didrik Morits Hallstrøm
The Adventures of Alyx -- Joanna Russ
Victorian Unfinished Novels: The Imperfect Page -- Saverio Tomaiuolo
Dreaming Spies -- Laurie R. King
Holy Sh*t: A Brief History of Swearing -- Melissa Mohr
Women and Power -- Mary Beard
Camilla,  01.01.19 09:41

Gnomon -- Nick Harkaway
Biketopia: Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction Stories in Extreme Futures -- Elly Blue (ed.)
The Murder of Mary Russell -- Laurie R. King
Emma -- Jane Austen
Field Notes on Democracy: Listening to Grasshoppers -- Arundhati Roy
The Left Hand of Darkness -- Ursula Le Guin
The Gods of Olympus: A History -- Barbara Graziosi
Miraculous Mysteries: Locked-Room Murders and Impossible Crimes -- Martin Edwards (ed.)
Lavinia -- Ursula Le Guin
Maddaddam -- Margaret Atwood
Vi som elsket Amerika -- Jens Bjørneboe
Ringdrotten -- J. R. R. Tolkien
How to Suppress Women's Writing -- Joanna Russ
Good Omens -- Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
Red Rosa: A Graphic Biography of Rosa Luxemburg -- Kate Evans
Ilium -- Dan Simmons
The Sittaford Mystery -- Agatha Christie
The Body in the Library -- Agatha Christie
The Moving Finger -- Agatha Christie
They Came to Baghdad -- Agatha Christie
The Murder at the Vicarage -- Agatha Christie
Trent's Last Case -- E. C. Bentley
A Pocket Full of Rye -- Agatha Christie
The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency: The Case of the Missing Moonstone -- Jordan Stratford & Kelly Murphy
Elephants Can Remember -- Agatha Christie
Men at Arms -- Terry Pratchett
Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World -- Edward Saïd
Feet of Clay -- Terry Pratchett
The Foreign Legion -- Clarice Lispector
The Lathe of Heaven -- Ursula K. Le Guin
Jingo -- Terry Pratchett
The 7th Function of Language -- Laurent Binet
The Fifth Elephant -- Terry Pratchett
Her Smoke Rose Up Forever -- James Tiptree, Jr.
The Myth of Mars and Venus: Do Men and Women Really Speak Different Languages? -- Deborah Cameron
Sophia: Princess, Suffragette, Revolutionary -- Anita Anand
Night Watch -- Terry Pratchett
The Player of Games -- Iain M. Banks
Mrs Dalloway -- Virginia Woolf
The Faerie Queene -- Edmund Spenser
Pride and Prejudice -- Jane Austen
Persuasion -- Jane Austen
A Murder is Announced -- Agatha Christie
The Rhythm of Riddles: Three Byomkesh Bakshi Mysteries -- Saradindu Bandyopadhyay
The Sympathizer -- Viet Thanh Nguyen
Call for the Dead -- John Le Carré
To Say Nothing of the Dog -- Connie Willis
The Tiger in the Smoke -- Margery Allingham
Helliconia: Spring, Summer, Winter -- Brian Aldiss
Operation Time Search -- Andre Norton
Consuming Texts: Readers and Reading Communities, 1695-1870 -- Stephen Colclough
Mansfield Park -- Jane Austen
Twentieth-Century Victorian: Arthur Conan Doyle and the Strand Magazine, 1891-1930 -- Jonathan Cranfield
Triton -- Samuel R. Delany
Fighting Fascism: How to Struggle and How to Win -- Clara Zetkin
Mary Russell's War -- Laurie R. King
The Last Days of New Paris -- China Miéville
Death in Ten Minutes. Kitty Marion: Activist. Arsonist. Suffragette -- Fern Riddell
Robert Elsmere -- Mrs. Humphry Ward
Agrippina -- Empress, Exile, Hustler, Whore: A Biography of the Most Extraordinary Woman in the Roman World -- Emma Southon
Whose Body? -- Dorothy L. Sayers
Summerland -- Hannu Rajaniemi
The Riddle of the Labyrinth: The Quest to Crack an Ancient Code and the Uncovering of a Lost Civilization -- Margalit Fox
Collected Short Stories -- Roald Dahl
My Own Words -- Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Mary Hartnett & Wendy W. Williams
Twenty Years After -- Alexandre Dumas
The Moving Toyshop -- Edmund Crispin
Thud! -- Terry Pratchett
The Tiger Flu -- Larissa Lai
Speech Begins After Death -- Michel Foucault & Claude Bonnefoy, Philippe Artières
If Cats Disappeared From the World -- Genki Kawamura
Feminist Theory from Margin to Center -- bell hooks
Camilla,  01.01.20 11:03

Evna -- Siri Pettersen
You Can't Touch My Hair and Other Things I Still Have to Explain -- Phoebe Robinson
Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy -- Cathy O'Neill
when they call you a terrorist: a Black Lives Matter memoir -- Patrisse Khan-Cullors & asha bandele
Circe -- Madeline Miller
The Nakano Thrift Shop -- Hiromi Kawakami
Jenta som ville redde bøkene -- Klaus Hagerup & Lisa Aisato
Angelmaker -- Nick Harkaway
The Raven Tower -- Ann Leckie

It's Not About the Burqa -- Mariam Khan (ed.)
The Lay of Aotrou & Itroun -- J.R.R. Tolkien
Gifts -- Ursula K. Le Guin
On Bullshit -- Harry G. Frankfurt
The Last Children of Tokyo -- Yoko Tawada
Freshwater -- Akwaeke Emezi
Raffles -- E. W. Hornung
Hamlet, Revenge! -- Michael Innes
They Do It With Mirrors -- Agatha Christie
At Bertram's Hotel -- Agatha Christie
The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side -- Agatha Christie
Of Women in the Twenty-First Century -- Shami Chakrabarti
A Daughter of Isis: The Early Life of Nawal El Saadawi, In Her Own Words -- Nawal El Saadawi
Monday Starts on Saturday -- Boris & Arkady Strugatsky
Walking Through Fire: The Later Years of Nawal El Saadawi, In Her Own Words -- Nawal El Saadawi
Good Omens -- Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
Night Watch -- Terry Pratchett
Home Fire -- Kamila Shamsie
The Body Myth -- Rheea Mukherje
The Moor's Account -- Laila Lalami
An Unnecessary Woman -- Rabih Alameddine
The Mummy! A Tale of the Twenty-Second Century. In 3 vols. -- Jane Webb/Loudon
Sense and Sensibility -- Jane Austen
The Language of the Night: essays on fantasy and science fiction -- Ursula K. Le Guin
I, The Divine -- Rabih Alameddine
Superwomen: Gender, Power, and Representation -- Carolyn Cocca
The Vicomte de Bragelonne -- Alexandre Dumas
The Beekeeper of Sinjar -- Dunya Mikhail
The Book of Legendary Lands -- Umberto Eco
Ingrid Winters makeløse mismot -- Janne S. Drangsholt
Convenience Store Woman -- Sayaka Murata
The Fifth Season -- N. K. Jemisin
The Obelisk Gate -- N. K. Jemisin
The Stone Sky -- N. K. Jemisin

Grass -- Keum Suk Gendry-Kim
Winter i verdens rikeste land -- Janne S. Drangsholt
Some Trick -- Helen DeWitt
The Last Samurai -- Helen DeWitt

Winterkrigen -- Janne S. Drangsholt
The Trouble with Women -- Jacky Fleming
The Killing Moon -- N. K Jemisin
The Shadowed Sun -- N. K. Jemisin
Fan Cultures -- Matt Hills
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms -- N. K. Jemisin
Broken Kingdoms -- N. K. Jemisin
Kingdom of Gods -- N. K. Jemisin
Middlemarch -- George Eliot
Before the Coffee gets Cold -- Toshikazu Kawaguchi
Queen's Gambit -- Walter Tevis
Girl, Woman, Other -- Bernardine Evaristo
The Problem of Edwin Drood: A Study in the Methods of Dickens -- W. Robertson Nicoll
Camilla,  01.01.21 11:32

Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture -- Henry Jenkins
Sorcerer to the Crown -- Zen Cho
The Sea Cloak & Other Stories -- Nayrouz Qarmout
Framing Fan Fiction: Literary and Social Practices in Fan Fiction Communities -- Kristina Busse
Single & Single -- John Le Carré
Good Talk -- Mira Jacob
The Scarlet Pimpernel -- Baroness Orczy
Post-Object Fandom: Television, Identity and Self-narrative -- Rebecca Williams
Plagiarizing the Victorian Novel: Imitation, Parody, Aftertext -- Adam Abraham
How Long 'til Black Future Month? -- N. K. Jemisin
Før plogen din over de dødes knokler -- Olga Tokarczuk
The Memory Police -- Yoko Ogawa
Clouds of Witness -- Dorothy L. Sayers
Unnatural Death -- Dorothy L. Sayers
A Caribbean Mystery -- Agatha Christie
Sleeping Murder -- Agatha Christie
The Pale Horse -- Agatha Christie
Green for Danger -- Christianna Brand
The Mystery of Angelina Frood -- R. Austin Freeman
The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club -- Dorothy L. Sayers
Strong Poison -- Dorothy L. Sayers
Five Red Herrings -- Dorothy L. Sayers
Have His Carcase -- Dorothy L. Sayers
Murder Must Advertise -- Dorothy L. Sayers
The Nine Tailors -- Dorothy L. Sayers
Gaudy Night -- Dorothy L. Sayers
Busman's Honeymoon -- Dorothy L. Sayers
Adulthood Rites -- Octavia E. Butler
Imago -- Octavia E. Butler
So You Want to Talk About Race -- Ijeoma Oluo
Everfair -- Nisi Shawl
Dei sju dørene -- Agnes Ravatn
The Mystery of Edwin Drood -- Charles Dickens
Death Stops the Manuscript -- Richard M. Baker
The Angel of History -- Rabih Alameddine
Mr. Dick, or, The Tenth Book -- Jean-Pierre Ohl
The Beekeeper's Apprentic -- Laurie R. King
What is Not Yours is Not Yours -- Helen Oyeyemi
Dickens and Mass Culture -- Juliet John
A Monstrous Regiment of Women -- Laurie R. King
Gingerbread -- Helen Oyeyemi
The Moor -- Laure R. King
The Mystery of Edwin Drood: Charles Dickens' Unfinished Novel & Our Endless Attempts to End It -- Pete Orford
Mr Loverman -- Bernardine Evaristo
O Jerusalem -- Laurie R. King
Helena Landless -- Deanna Madden
The Knox Brothers -- Penelope Fitzgerald
Soul Tourists -- Bernardine Evaristo
The Emperor's Babe -- Bernardine Evaristo
Justice Hall -- Laurie R. King
Northanger Abbey -- Jane Austen
Sense and Sensibility -- Jane Austen
A Fatal Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum: Murder in Ancient Rome -- Emma Southon
The Poppy War -- R. F. Kuang
Tell Me How It Ends -- Valeria Luiselli
The Dragon Republic -- R. F. Kuang
The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu and their Race to Save the World's Most Precious Manuscripts -- Joshua Hammer
The Manual of Detection -- Jedediah Berry
The Master Sleuth on the Trail of Edwin Drood -- Robert F. Fleissner
Piranesi -- Susanna Clarke
Camilla,  01.01.22 13:54

The Burning God -- R. F. Kuang

The Little Drummer Girl -- John Le Carré

Blonde Roots -- Bernardine Evaristo

The Yiddish Policemen's Union -- Michael Chabon

Homoflokar -- Kristin Fridtun

Fandom, Now in Color -- Rukmini Pande (ed.)

Capitalism: A Ghost Story -- Arundhati Roy

Fake Geek Girls: Fandom, Gender, and the Convergence Culture Industry -- Suzanne Scott

Squee from the Margins: Fandom and Race -- Rukmini Pande

The Mad Hatter Mystery -- John Dickson Carr

Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet -- Karen Hellekson and Kristina Busse (eds)

Delusions of Gender: The Real Science Behind Sex Differences -- Cordelia Fine

The Eight of Swords -- John Dickson Carr

We That Are Young -- Preti Taneja

The Hag's Nook -- John Dickson Carr

Whose Body? -- Dorothy L. Sayers

Clouds of Witness -- Dorothy L. Sayers

Kvalitetslæring i høgere utdanning -- Roar C. Pettersen

Fic: why fanfiction is taking over the world -- Anne Jamison (et al.)

Unnatural Death -- Dorothy L. Sayers

The Book of Echoes -- Rosanna Amaka

The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club -- Dorothy L. Sayers

Lord Peter Views the Body -- Dorothy L. Sayers

Strong Poison -- Dorothy L. Sayers

Five Red Herrings -- Dorothy L. Sayers

The Welfleet Mystery -- Mrs Georgie Sheldon

Have His Carcase -- Dorothy L. Sayers

This is How You Lose the Time War -- Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone

The Essex Serpent -- Sarah Perry

The Collected Schizophrenias -- Esmé Weijun Wang

Dilly: The Man Who Broke Enigmas -- Mavis Batey

Swing Time -- Zadie Smith

The Mutual Admiration Society: How Dorothy L. Sayers and her Oxford Circle Remade the World for Women -- Mo Moulton

Hangman's Holiday -- Dorothy L. Sayers

Arsène Lupin : gentleman cambrioleur -- Maurice Leblanc

Murder Must Advertise -- Dorothy L. Sayers

The Nine Tailors -- Dorothy L. Sayers

The Subversive Stitch: Embroidery and the Making of the Feminine -- Rozsika Parker

Gaudy Night -- Dorothy L. Sayers

Busman's Honeymoon -- Dorothy L. Sayers

In the Teeth of the Evidence -- Dorothy L. Sayers

Striding Folly -- Dorothy L. Sayers

The Shadow King -- Maaza Mengiste

Island of the Mad -- Laurie R. King

Write in Power: An Anthology of the Personal and the Political -- The Hidden Pen Collective, Vijaylakshmi Harish, Anushree K S, Rohini Malur, Vijayshanthi Murthy, Meenal Shrivastava (eds)

Master and Commander -- Patrick O'Brian

Silverview -- John Le Carré

The City We Became -- N. K. Jemisin

The Hands of the Emperor -- Victoria Goddard

A Darker Shade of Magic -- V. E. Schwab

A Gathering of Shadows -- V. E. Schwab

A Conjuring of Light -- V. E. Schwab

Petty Treasons -- Victoria Goddard

Reel to Real -- bell hooks

Grand Hotel Abyss -- Stuart Jeffries
Are likes this
Camilla,  01.01.23 09:00

The Return of Fitzroy Angursell -- Victoria Goddard

The Tower at the Edge of the World -- Victoria Goddard

The Lives & Times of Ebenezer Scrooge -- Paul Davis

The Hands of the Emperor -- Victoria Goddard

Difficult Women -- Roxane Gay

Ambiguity Machines and other stories -- Vandana Singh

The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village -- Samuel R. Delany

Living a Feminist Life -- Sara Ahmed

Orsinia -- Ursula K. Le Guin

Use of Weapons -- Iain M. Banks

The Thief of Time -- Terry Pratchett

Death and the Penguin -- Andrey Kurkov

Nei og atter nei -- Nina Lykke

Whose Body? -- Dorothy L. Sayers

Strong Poison -- Dorothy L. Sayers

Have His Carcase -- Dorothy L. Sayers

Gaudy Night -- Dorothy L. Sayers

Busman's Honeymoon -- Dorothy L. Sayers

The Gollancz Book of South Asian Science Fiction -- Tarjun K. Saint (ed.)

The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine -- Serhii Plokhy

Small Gods -- Terry Pratchett

The Hands of the Emperor -- Victoria Goddard

Night Watch -- Terry Pratchett

Reaper Man -- Terry Pratchett

Portrait of a Wide Seas Islander -- Victoria Goddard

Pride and Prejudice -- Jane Austen

Pyramids -- Terry Pratchett

How Propaganda Works -- Jason Stanley

Kim Jiyoung, born 1982 -- Cho Nam-Joo

Billion Year Spree: the History of Science Fiction -- Brian Aldiss

Frankenstein in Baghdad -- Ahmed Saadawi

Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male Power -- Ijeoma Oluo

Fabulosa! The Story of Polari, Britain's Secret Gay Language -- Paul Baker

Louise de la Vallière -- Alexandre Dumas

Riviera Gold -- Laurie R. King

The Patient Assassin -- Anita Anand

The Mad Women's Ball -- Victoria Mas

The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction -- Justine Larbalestier

Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmes -- Maurice Leblanc

Danubia: A Personal History of Habsburg Europe -- Simon Winder

Persuasion -- Jane Austen

Northanger Abbey -- Jane Austen

Emma -- Jane Austen

Mansfield Park -- Jane Austen

The Silence of the Girls -- Pat Barker

The Book of Disquiet -- Fernando Pessoa

The Redoubtable Pali Avramapul -- Victoria Goddard

Disoriental -- Négar Djavadi

Villette -- Charlotte Brontë

Give People Money: How a Universal Basic Income would End Poverty, Revolutionize Work, and Remake the World -- Annie Lowrey

Distances -- Vandana Singh

The Bride of the Blue Wind -- Victoria Goddard

The Warrior of the Third Veil -- Victoria Goddard

My Year of Rest and Relaxation -- Ottessa Moshfegh

Post Captain -- Patrick O'Brian

Aurelius (to be called) Magnus -- Victoria Goddard

In the Company of Gentlemen -- Victoria Goddard

Terec and the Wild -- Victoria Goddard

Those Who Hold the Fire -- Victoria Goddard

On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous -- Ocean Vuong

Inventing the Victorians -- Matthew Sweet

Hands of the Emperor -- Victoria Goddard

Till Human Voices Wake Us -- Victoria Goddard

Babel: An Arcane History -- R. F. Kuang

Stargazy Pie -- Victoria Goddard

Kulturkrig: Det ytre høyre og normaliseringen av det ekstreme -- Carline Tromp

The Cat Who Saved Books -- Sosuke Natsukawa

Bee Sting Cake -- Victoria Goddard

The Quantum Astrologer's Handbook -- Michael Brooks

Whiskey Jack -- Victoria Goddard

Black Currant Fool -- Victoria Goddard

Love-in-a-mist -- Victoria Goddard

Plum Duff -- Victoria Goddard

Station Eleven -- Emily St. John Mandel

Carthage Must Be Destroyed: The Rise and Fall of an Ancient Civilization -- Richard Miles

The Garden of Evening Mists -- Tan Twan Eng

The Hands of the Emperor -- Victoria Goddard

At the Feet of the Sun -- Victoria Goddard

Wyrd Sisters -- Terry Pratchett

Hogfather -- Terry Pratchett
Camilla,  01.01.24 09:33

Legends & Lattes -- Travis Baldree

Lausgjengar -- Hayashi Fumiko

Heartstopper 1-4 -- Alice Oseman

The Scarlet Pimpernel -- Baroness Orczy

The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet -- Becky Chambers

A Closed and Common Orbit -- Becky Chambers

Civilisations -- Laurent Binet

Warm Worlds and Otherwise -- James Tiptree, Jr.

Under the Whispering Door -- T. J. Klune

To Be Taught If Fortunate -- Becky Chambers

The Hands of the Emperor -- Victoria Goddard

The Return of Fitzroy Angursell -- Victoria Goddard

The Redoubtable Pali Avramapul -- Victoria Goddard

At the Feet of the Sun -- Victoria Goddard

Strong Poison -- Dorothy L. Sayers

Have His Carcase -- Dorothy L. Sayers

Gaudy Night -- Dorothy L. Sayers

Busman's Honeymoon -- Dorothy L. Sayers

Excession -- Iain M. Banks

Inversions -- Iain M. Banks

The Honey Month -- Amal El-Mohtar

Varslerne: En fortelling om Giske-saken, seksuell trakassering og kulturen som tillater det -- Heidi Helene Sveen

Moonglow -- Michael Chabon

Exit West -- Mohsin Hamid

Byromania and the Birth of Celebrity Culture -- Ghislaine McDayter

Solitaire -- Alice Oseman

The Ascent of Rum Doodle -- W. E. Bowman

This Winter -- Alice Oseman

Nick & Charlie -- Alice Oseman

Woman on the Edge of Time -- Marge Piercy

A Grave Talent -- Laurie R. King

The Honjin Murders -- Seishi Yokomizo

The Philosophy of Conspiracy Theories -- Matthew R. X. Dentith

The Menagerie and other Byomkesh Bakshi Mysteries -- Saradindu Bandyopadhyay

The Case of the General's Thumb -- Andrey Kurkov

The House of Shattered Wings -- Aliette de Bodard

The House of Binding Thorns -- Aliette de Bodard

The House of Sundering Flames -- Aliette de Bodard

Record of a Spaceborn Few -- Becky Chambers

Death on Gokumon Island -- Seishi Yokomizo

The Stasi Poetry Circle: the Creative Writing Class that Tried to Win the Cold War -- Philip Oltermann

Titanium Noir -- Nick Harkaway

The Hands of the Emperor -- Victoria Goddard

At the Feet of the Sun -- Victoria Goddard

Look to Windward -- Iain M. Banks

Gideon the Ninth -- Tamsyn Muir

A Culture of Conspiracy -- Michael Barkun

Gender Queer: A Memoir -- Maia Kobabe

At the Existentialist Café: Freedom, Being, and Apricot Cocktails -- Sarah Bakewell

Verden og buksene - et Gunvor Hofmo-fragment -- Kaja Schjerven Mollerin

Harrow the Ninth -- Tamsyn Muir

The Man in the Iron Mask -- Alexandre Dumas

Byzantium: The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire -- Judith Herrin

HMS Surprise -- Patrick O'Brian

The Gift of Rain -- Tan Twan Eng

The Mauritius Command -- Patrick O'Brian

Desolation Island -- Patrick O'Brian

The Fortune of War -- Patrick O'Brian

The Surgeon's Mate -- Patrick O'Brian

Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes -- Rob Wilkins

The Galaxy, and the Ground Within -- Becky Chambers

The Priory of the Orange Tree --Samantha Shannon

The Hands of the Emperor -- Victoria Goddard

At the Feet of the Sun -- Victoria Goddard

Clary Sage -- Victoria Goddard

Inspector Imanishi Investigates -- Seicho Matsumoto

A Psalm for the Wild-Built -- Becky Chambers

Det blåøyde riket: norske tillitspatologier -- Nina Witoszek & Eva Joly

Kalenderhistorier -- Bertolt Brecht

Maskiner som tenker -- Inga Strümke

Nona the Ninth -- Tamsyn Muir

Derring-do for Beginners -- Victoria Goddard

Dracula -- Bram Stoker

The Parisian -- or Al-Barisi -- Isabella Hammad

Krigen i Ukraina -- Tormod Heier (red.)

The Fellowship of the Ring -- J. R. R. Tolkien

The Two Towers -- J. R. R. Tolkien

The Return of the King -- J. R. R. Tolkien

Whose Body? -- Dorothy L. Sayers

The Future of War: A History -- Lawrence Freedman

Clouds of Witness -- Dorothy L. Sayers
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