Jeg har tidligere nevnt at jeg synes det er helt latterlig vanskelig å finne ut hvordan man skal kontakte Apples kundeservice. Nå har jeg nylig vært i kontakt med dem for å få tak i en kvittering på Macen til Camilla, og jeg endte opp med å ringe til teknisk support, og snakke med to vennlige svensker som kunne hjelpe meg. Det er imidlertid åpenbart at det ikke er optimalt å bruke 50 kroner på en telefonsamtale for å fikse noe som burde være trivielt å gjøre på nettet. Jeg grep derfor anledningen da jeg ble bedt om å fylle ut et skjema om min opplevelse med Apples kundeservice. Og fordi jeg er så sleip bruker jeg dette som dagens artikkel.
This poll has a lot of leading questions, that seem designed to generate positive answers. For example, the last three are questions about my satisfaction with Apple Customer Support, based on my recent phone call. The phone call itself was perfectly satisfactory, except for the horrible music I had to listen to while waiting. I was also a bit surprised to talk to someone in Sweden, though that is fair enough in itself. However, there should have been no need for me to make a phone call.
My issue was that I needed a reciept for a MacBook that was purchased more than 18 months ago. I understand that there are some countries were it is considered reasonable to give only one year of warranty on a laptop, and hence there will rarely be a need to obtain old reciepts. However, in Norway, were I live, the law specifies that one has the right to free repairs for five years on things like computers. (Provided, of course, that the customer is not at fault for whatever is wrong with the computer.) Hence, it would be extremely helpful if I could simply find this reciept by logging onto the Apple Store.
Furthermore, it is virtually impossible to find out who you should call. I ended up calling Technical support, which hardly seems correct for my issue. I would add that I am very happy with the help I recieved there.
It seems obvious, though, that certain issues could be much easier resolved through email than over the phone, and it would be extremely helpful if Apple would provide an some email addresses for the various branches of customer support. For an issue such as mine, were I had to spell out email addresses, names and credit card numbers to a person who spoke a different language (granted, there is not that much difference between Swedish and Norwegian, but it still complicates things), email is a superior form of communication.
As it is, the difficulties I have experienced in contacting Apple Customer Support have made me decide to purchase my next Mac from Eplehuset, a Mac dealer in Norway. Simply because they list email addresses on their webpages, and they have people answering them.
-Tor Nordam